Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nathaniel Merriweather presents... Lovage: Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By

Okay so first of all with the band members, Nathaniel Merriweather is actually Dan the Automator from Handsome Boy Modelling school, and Chester Rockwell who has a few speaking parts is Prince Paul. The male lyrics are sung by Mike Patton(Faith no more) and the female vocals come from Jennifer Charles with Kid Koala on the turntables.

If you were to take the slower and funkier tracks from Handsome Boy Modeling School like 'the truth' and 'once again' and make an album of then with premise being sex, you'd have Lovage. Even though the album as a whole can't seem to decide whether or not it's a homage or simply mocking all those old soft R'n'B crooners from the 80's that thankfully have dissapeard, it's still a very interesting concept album with good production that is so different from most everything else that it deserves at least a one off listen from everyone, the tracks 'strangers on a train' and 'everyone has a summer' alone save the album for me. On a side note i'm not sure how much of good album this would be to make love to your old lady by, it's possibly the best or worst thing you could try. If you did try it, leave a comment.

Nathaniel Merriweather presents... Lovage: Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By

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