Sunday, July 20, 2008

Yeah i know that cat, heard his voice a thousand time

You have probably spent more time listening to this man's voice then you have listening to your closest friends, and his name is Ken Nordine. Now he's done a large amount of commercial work but he also created a little thing known as word jazz. Now i know word jazz sounds like some kid in a black beret reciting plagiarism filled poem to an empty cafe on a Tuesday night, but Mr.Nordine has worked for over 80 years thanks to his voice, and his voice can pull off word jazz with authority.

Back in the 60's i think, he was commissioned to do a series of paint commercials that was just him reading Dr.Seuss-esque poems about the colours over a dreamlike background of cool jazz. The adds were so popular and highly acclaimed that he wrote about 30 or so and made an album of it.

The entire album has a dreamlike quality to it, which makes sense seeing as all the material was written at 3am on sleep deprived nights. This is something to listen to while falling asleep so his smooth ringing voice can lull you to sleep, or while taking powerful psychedelics so his voice can calm you while his words take you to strange new worlds of anthropomorphic colours. You'll either love of hate this.

Ken Nodine - Colours

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